About Mark

About Mark

Everyone who knows anything about me knows that nothing triggers my creativity more than Love & Connection.

I have heard that confession is good for the soul, so here is my attempt at total blatant vulnerable honesty….

I am a Total Sucker...

I am a sucker for caramel Almond Brittle Ice Cream with whipped cream…. Don’t judge me…yum!

I also go head over heels for my obnoxiously cute niece and nephew. They mean the world to me.

Oh, and let’s not forget the beach! I love everything that has anything to do with the ocean. 

Take me anywhere I haven’t been before, and I’m your willing partner in art… 

Say Hello and book your consultation! You may be pleasantly surprised.

I Tell My Clients...

Right now is all that matters. Everything you’ve done in life has led you to this moment, so let’s forget about everything that doesn’t matter and live in THIS moment together.

This is what transitions the photos we capture together from a series of pretty images to your own personal statement of love, life, and legacy. It is what makes them significant. It is what makes them art.

Who you are is beautiful and powerful. I see you.

I am also a sucker for connection, beauty, love, strength, and adventure. Beautiful intimate couples in love excite and inspire me. I know this might sound weird and corny to some people, but for me its a reality… its my super power that is the catalyst for my art. 

If you want yo know what “makes me tick,” give me a camera, and point me in the direction of an adventurous couple in love. I love capturing their intimacy. I love capturing their power. I am all about creating stories about who they are and where they came from. There’s something about beauty, adventure and intimacy that inspires me to create artistic wedding photography.

I Am Mark Winder, and I am a romance photographer.
